Monday, 7 March 2011

Our Conference Season 2011 - Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurs CAN and DO change the world!

SADD's student members, whether they know this or not, are a breed of Social Entrepreneur.  They are industrious, creative and committed in their work to change the attitudes and behaviours around drink-driving.  They educate their peers; heighten the awareness around this serious issue in their own communities and deliver outcomes that, in relation to our important cause, improve the world around them.

Social Entrepreneurship can seem like a lofty subject matter ... it's the kind of term that could scare most young people and have them thinking that it's something outside of their knowledge and experience base.  The reality is that many of the young people we know are already Social Entrepreneurs - they just don't know the 'label' or what it means. 

That is why we are incredibly excited about the theme for this year's SADD conference season:

Social Entrepreneurship - working together to create positive change

Over two, three-day events (North Island and South Island conferences) we will be inducting our student delegates to the world of Social Entrepreneurship.  Unpicking how this relates to our own work and showing them how each of them, in their own right, are already Social Entrepreneurs - with much to offer their community, their school and SADD's important mission!

At conference our student delegates will have the opportunity to learn from experts; workshop with their peers; contribute to the design of a national campaign; network with SADD students from across each Island and, most importantly, have a lot of fun and a really rewarding experience.

Conference details can be found on our website:

We look forward to providing further information on this year's conference season through this blog and we will continue to add posts each week.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

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